Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Desk Space

Here's a little meme that I got from Paul, to post a picture of my desk. Now, before I go on, my wall is as much as part of my desk as the computer is - I spend a lot of time just staring at the photos, reminiscing, I guess. As you can see, I love photos! Actually, I just love anything I can stick to the wall. There's postcards, movie tickets, inspiration quotes as well as a fair few "lolcats" (I can't help but love them!). I feel the need to post a picture of the rest of the other wall, just so you can see how awesome it really is, haha.

There are more things to the right, but mostly just posters of bands and stuff. Anyway, onto the desk itself.

The little teddy bear in the corner was a gift from a friend, and among my hundreds of stuffed animals, (no, I'm not kidding, there really is hundreds of them. Maybe I'll post some pictures of them one day) this one stood out and took it's place on my desk. The heart is attached by a magnet, it's really cute!
There isn't a lot to tell about the rest of it. There's my CDs (which is a very small collection actually, but I'm working on fixing that!). My computer is open on one of the two things that're always running, iTunes (the other is photoshop). And my iPod is plugged into the computer as well.

So, if it isn't obvious, the use of my computer relates around two main subjects - music and photos.

Now, it's 2.30am, I'm pretty sure I should be asleep!

Fake Your Way Through It.

It's been such a long time since I've written anything, that it sort of surprised me when inspiration struck last night to write a song, of all things. I've never written a full song in my life. I love music, but when it comes to playing instruments or singing.. well.. lets just say I'd have your earplugs on standby if I were ever to sing. So that's why I've never really gotten into songwriting.

But last night, I was reading something online when I read the words "Fake your way through this" and for some reason, that is what inspired me to write a song. It's not perfect, because I know nothing about the technicalities of songwriting but for a first attempt, I'm pretty happy with it.

What's annoying me is I have a tune in my head for it, but I can't sing, and I can't play an instrument so I don't know how to get that tune out of my head and onto paper, I guess.

Anyway, here's the song. Let me know what you think. (I'm sure there's a fair few grammar mistakes, it's late and my brain isn't working the way it should be, so feel free to point out anything like that!)

[Verse 1]
You're working as a checkout chick
in your local supermarket;
When you notice
everything has changed -
Your best friend is no longer there
Your boyfriend doesn't seem to care about you.

You gotta smile baby,
Fake your way through it.
Smile baby,
pretend that you've got it
Smile baby,
Don't ever let them see you crying.

[Verse 2]
You've finally finished school at last,
Say goodbye to all your past
and hello
to your future.
You don't know where it's gonna take you
But you're not gonna let it break you down.


Cry yourself to sleep at night,
Hug your teddy bear real tight
Just don't let them see you do it, tonight.

[Verse 3]
You're in LA tryin' to make it,
Your agent says you gotta fake it,
Cover up those flaws with makeup,
Just a little more with photoshop.
They don't wanna know you
They just wanna sell you to the world
